On Tuesday the 26th of July, Early Stage 1 celebrated their 100th day of Kindy! The day consisted of fun-filled ‘100’ related activities to celebrate all their learning they have done over the last 100 days. We could not be more proud of their efforts these past 100 days!
Kindergarten turned heads by entering the school grounds as fashionable, stylish 100 year old’s and were very excited to show off their outfits to their friends and teachers. As the students looked awesome, they contributed to a ‘photo shoot’ where they posed and had fun- this even got them one million likes on Instagram as you can see from the pictures! The teachers only hope to look as great as they did as 100 year old’s!
Religion - 100 Ways Kindy is Unique
This term, Kindergarten students have been inquiring about ‘What makes a person unique and loved by God?’ We have been exploring what ‘unique’ means and what it may seem like from person to person. Students have enjoyed investigating this term through engaging activities, one of which included students identifying 100 ways we are all unique in the shape of a heart. They did a fantastic job and wrote ways that made them unique from one another.
Maths - "Who doesn't like chocolate?!"
Early Stage 1 kick started their 100th day celebrations with maths. The maths lesson involved a chart that included numbers 1-100 and 100 Hershey Chocolate Kisses hidden around the classroom for students to find. Under each Hershey Kiss, there was a number written which the students had to identify and place the Kiss in the correct number pocket on the chart. Needless to say that all students enjoyed this activity- especially since they got to eat them throughout the day!
Literacy - "I would want 100..."
The fun continued in literacy as we brainstormed and wrote about what we would want 100 things of. All students recognised and understood that 100 is a big number and therefore identified and wrote things they would want a lot of. Kindergarten wanted their teachers to inform their parents they wanted 100 toys, marvel figurines, cars, dolls, puppies, lollies, balloons and the list goes on.. Parents, begin your Christmas shopping!
We then listened to the story ‘Henry’s 100 Days of Kindergarten’ and discussed key aspects mentioned in the story, in particular, imagining how Henry would have felt when he first started school compared to 100 days later. Students then made connections and shared their experiences of how they felt at the beginning of the year compared to how they felt 100 days later.
"Parading our outfits - Celebrate Good Times!"
Kindergarten ended their celebration with a fun-filled parade as they strutted and showed off their outfits to Stage 2 and 3 with nothing but pure joy and excitement. Stage 2 and 3 were incredibly happy to see Kindy in their outfits as they clapped and cheered as Early Stage 1 ended the day in style!
Thank you to all parents/caregivers for your efforts in helping your child celebrate 100 days of Kindergarten.
We can’t wait to see what Kindy brings for the next 100 days!
07 Oct 2024
From Facebook
Happy happy birthday to this brilliant young lady today! She is looking forward to the surprise mum and dad are planning and going to the park for a party. I hope you enjoy all your celebrations and you get to eat lots of chocolate birthday cake!!! 💛🎊🎁👏🏻🎉🎈🍰07 Oct 2024
From Facebook
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) has designated that the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary, Monday 7 October, be a Day of Prayer for Peace in the Middle East. So let’s all pray this PRAYER FOR PEACE from Pope Francis together today! O God, Trinity of love, from the profound communion of your divine life, pour out upon us a torrent of sisterly and brotherly love. Grant us the love reflected in the actions of Jesus, in his family of Nazareth, and in the early Christian community. Grant that we Christians may live the Gospel, discovering Christ in each human being, recognising him crucified in the sufferings of the abandoned and forgotten of our world, and risen in each sister or brother who makes a new start. Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty, reflected in all the peoples of the earth, so that we may discover anew that all are important and all are necessary, different faces of the one humanity that God so loves. AMEN.